Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 7:30PM, Tainan Municipal Cultural Center


BERNSTEIN: Main Theme from The Magnificent Seven
HOWARD SHORE: Themes from The Fellowship of the Ring
JARRE: Overture from Lawrence of Arabia
arr. Pellett: Spaced Out! A Classic Sci-Fi Television Theme
MICHAEL GIACCHINO: 2009 End Credits from Star Trek
HARNELL: The Lonely Man from Incredible Hulk
PATRICK DOYLE: Suite from Thor
HERRMANN: Overture from North by Northwest
LALO SCHIFRIN: Main Theme from Mission Impossible
arr. Raine / Berens: The Music of Bond, James Bond
KORNGOLD: Violin Concerto, Mvt. 3 (Finale)
JOHN WILLIAMS: Main Theme from Schindler’s List
JOHN WILLIAMS: John Williams Tribute

Located in Southern Taiwan, Tainan is the oldest city in Taiwan and commonly known as the “Capital City” for its over 200 years of history as the capital under Koxinga and later Qing dynasty rule.

Tainan claims its name as one of the Taiwanese cultural capitals for its abundant historic monument and citizen lifestyle. The city is dotted by Taoist temples, Buddhist temples and churches. Many of them are among the oldest in Taiwan. The city also has its own unique traditions and cuisines developed by Chinese frontiers over its long history.

Tainan Municipal Cultural Center

Opened in 1984 and has become the most comprehensive community of cultures, arts and leisure in the city.

In the main body of the center, the Performance Hall is a three-floor building with 1803 seats in the fan-shape area. It provides a set of world-class sound, lighting and stage designs to accommodate a wide variety of traditional and modern arts performances.